When the State brings charges, irregardless of a complaining injured party, that has to make you think; there has to be money $$$ in locking people up now, there is:through the Law Enforcement Assistance Act, signed into law by a Democratic President and Democrat controlled Congress, LBJ in 1968, in reaction to widespread unrest and public riots. They had to figure out how to control its own people, especially poor people and black citizens. It was to arm a far flung militia, yours and my local police, and subsidize the costs of incarcerating everybody in jail everywhere in America, one of my most common drunken laments is, "This is not the country I grew up in",
and it's true; the feds taking the lead in "Law and Order" happened in the context of one of the two national political conventions being held in the midst of total public disorder; Daley said the hippies and Yippies in Chicago to oppose the war policy of the ruling party didn't have the proper permits to assemble in city parks; abrogating the Bill of Rights—people on the scene have called it a 'police riot' because there was no looting burning going on, and they swarmed into the assembly with helmets and truncheons, billy clubs, that inflicted injuries leaving the unarmed gathering at their mercy; people at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, summer 1968; saw something change, everyone watching TV saw it including 7 year old me;
coverage preempted all network programming. So the truth was getting out; the raw pictures network news organizations provided then, and was most responsible for widespread fear that in a nation of guns without number, normal American life seemed in jeopardy, results: the government cracked down.
Nixon ran a counter revolution against the peace movement, after copiously promising a quick solution in VietNam; he believed the existence of a "silent majority" gave him this mandate and the FBI paid informants a still unrevealed amount of cash to infiltrate all known 'subversive' groups; the crime at the Watergate was a mere symptom of the times, its discovery and the arrest of especially CIA agent E. Howard (CIA is forbidden by its establishing statute from domestic operations) Hunt, caught in a botched burglary, sent the press and then the Congress into a feeding frenzy seeking information about the use of presidential power; President Nixon resigned, went to San Clemente CA and lived on the government dime the rest of his life, Secret Service protection et al.. No ADT bills for Nixon. The revelation of his actual misdeeds limited him to the one alternative. A public trial of Nixon would have made the Clinton blowjob impeachment look schoolboy. For this man had committed many illegal acts by misusing his power, conspiracy, a felony.
President Ford gave Nixon a full Presidential pardon a month after he flew off in disgrace yet riding in 'Marine One' from the front yard of the White House to Dulles Airport where he and his entourage boarded Air Force One for a ride across the whole continent.
And he must have still felt like a king.

"The King Can Do No Wrong"
For people locked up in the United States there is a legal log jam blocking access to the courts, a very thinly veiled and sinister decision Heck V Humphrey; that bars prisoners for filing civil rights actions that if proven, would likely guarantee their release. If this was deemed to be the case the sec. 1983 issues must be dismissed until successful appeal, habeas corpus action or release at the termination of your sentence, I didn't know this and probably one in over a 1000000 do—your protection guaranteeing your civil rights given by the Klu Klux Klan Act, passed and signed after our civil war—that protection ends when they slam the gates. And Clinton signed the 1994 Crime Bill sent to him by a newly Republican controlled House written by who knows who, limits by statute your access to federal habeas corpus to one for your whole bit, the federal courts have looked away; my complaint was based on the fact that a scoring system existed in Michigan parole proceedings that violated the Americans With Disabilities Act, they were penalizing me -5 because I took an anti-depressant medicine, where the same scoring takes -3 for ever having taken part in ending the life of another human. I was dismissed twice at ED Michigan Court in Detroit, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed this and I maxxed out, I was treated as a troublemaker because I started reading thew law and my briefs had traction, noting ever came back stating it was frivolous.
I went from having a 'Gate Pass' job, in Level 1 minimum security, where I folded laundry all day off site; in August 2001 to double celling with a triple murderer at the end of October for doing nothing wrong.
It taught me a lot, I asked for $25,000,000.00, and adjustment of my score which would have forced Michigan to release me, so whereas the Federal Court has been in the vanguard of putting the Constitution into practice, with the Heck decision and the still unchallenged statutory limit on habeas corpus the warehousing of humans has become extremely enforced and I believe profitable. PARTIES AND JUDGES CHANGE, SWAY WITH THE WIND AND TIME LIKE THE LEAVES ON A TREE. The signing of the 1994 Crime Bill should have called into question President Clinton's membership in the Democratic Party, it could not have overridden his veto. The parties don't have oaths and strict policy aims, politicians just get in where they fit in.
I WATCH THESE OLD TV SHOWS BASED ON ACTUAL CASES AND IF YOU MURDERED SOMEONE YOU WERE EXECUTED SHORTLY AFTER. I was serving time on a non-injury one car DUI which the lady prosecutor threw the book at me, charging me with a 1-5 year felony and enhanced my sentence with the foul Michigan habitual statute because I had kicked the door of a Detroit Police car while hand-cuffed behind my back, it loosened the plastic molding in the Chrysler product they used then; and they charged me with a 'High Court Misdemeanor" that while existing in the lexicon of the Mich. Bar Assn. is a complete misconstrual of fact because if bound over to a High Court in Michigan, if you don't walk out with an acquittal or dismissed charges you have a felony on your record. wHILE i WAS ADMIRING HER LONG FLOWING LOCKS OF BRUNETTE HAIR, SHE WAS ON A MISSION, A SEMI-CARNIVOROUS MISSION THAT PROMOTES INCARCERATION BY THE FED PAYING THE STATES PRO RATA FEE ESSENTIALLY TO COVER COSTS FOR EVERYONE EVERYWHERE A JUDGE SAYS MUST LIVE LIKE A ZOO ANIMAL. I ended my bit in the brand new supermax prison at Ionia the Feds gave Michigan $47,000,000.00 to build. Built on the same priniple as the notorious Pelican Bay where sensory deprivation, lack of human contact and communication have driven some inmates to full blown madness, psychotic breaks with reality.
Everytime I learn something new about the Constitution, I remember when I took an oath to defend it, "So help me God." I still feel that oath I made at 17 at Detroit AFEES when I shipped out to the Navy.
Roll With the Punches My Friends.
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